Where can I find the Holiday Garbage Schedule?
Contact the Department of Public Works Office at:
Danielle Curtin, Clerk
E-Mail: dcurtin@suffernny.gov
Telephone: (845) 357-2602
Where can I find information for the Suffern Parking Department?
Go to the top navigation menu and select from the Suffern Parking menu tab. You may also call: (845) 368-0017
Who do you call if you have a concern about Illicit Discharge?
Call the Suffern Police Department: (845) 357-2300
How do I dispose of electronic waste?
Due to a change in NYS law, electronic waste cannot be put out with regular trash. Residents must take e-waste to the Rockland County Fire Training Center in Pomona. This includes TV’s, computer equipment (including tablets, keyboards, monitors, printers and cables) and small electronics (fax machines, VCRs/DVD players, cable boxes, video game consoles and handheld music and video players). The RC Fire Training Center is located at 35 Firemen’s Memorial Drive in Pomona and is open weekdays (except holidays) from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
How do I find information about Stay Fit Seniors?
Call the Recreation Office at (845) 357-7943 or send an email to cmills@suffernny.gov
Where can I find information about paying my taxes online?
Information can be found here at Pay Your Taxes and Water Bills Online web page.
Please contact Village Hall 845-357-2600 or taxcollector@suffernny.gov to obtain the amount to be paid, including the base amount of taxes and any accrued penalties.