Parkmobile offers a mobile payment solution in the Village of Suffern for daily parking.
Suffern drivers can enjoy paying for parking with their mobile phones throughout the Village of Suffern. To use the Parkmobile system, customers can register for free at Parkmobile. Once registered, motorists can use a mobile app, the internet, or call toll free call at 1-877-727-5730 to pay for Daily Parking Permits. After setting up the account , customers can immediately start using the system with their registered mobile phone. Motorist can also select the option to receive text message alerts and reminders.
Daily Parking:
Register at Parkmobile and click the “JOIN” tab to register.
How Do I Manage My Digital Permit Account? Click on the Parkmobile HELP CENTER icon for information:
E-mail Support for Parkmobile Permits: Click Here.
Rail lot – 8300
A lot – 8301
B lot – 8302
C lot – 8303
D lot – 8304
F lot – 8305
H lot – 8306